Sunday, February 14, 2010

Red Carpet Insight: Lets talk number 9

Hello, Lady Gaga: Unique or Weird?

Talk about Bad Romance.. Does her outfits seems weird or would you call them unique? But hey, she sells millions and is famous for her really catchy, upbeat pop songs of this generation. Who really cares about how she dress right? Millions of people would still adore her nevertheless. Well, it could be she wants to stand out in the whole pool of really famous people like Britney Spears, Pink, Taylor Swift in the music industry. Personally for me, if its not for her unique and weird style, I would not even notice her. It seems that being weird in her fashion sense is her trademark besides identifying through her hot-listed songs. Well, I really would admire her courage to be different from other people in terms of dressing up. Seriously, I bet no one would even wear a dress full of FROGS especially when having an interview on TV! Thumbs up to her for daring to be the most unique!

Credits to for great images